Asal Usul Manusia, Ba Gua dan Yi Jing (Kitab Perubahan)versi Tiongkok (Dewa Purba Fu Xi)

Fuxi (Pīnyīn: Fúxī-Shì; Hanzi: 伏羲氏) (Wade-Giles: Fu Hsi) atau Paoxi (Pīnyīn: Páoxī; Hanzi Sederhana: 庖牺; Hanzi tradisional: 庖犧) dikenal juga dengan sebutan Taihao (Pīnyīn: Tàihào; Hanzi: 太昊) (8000 SM – 7500 SM), orang sekarang Tianshui (Pīnyīn: Tiānshuǐ; Hanzi: 天水) Provinsi Gansu adalah maharaja suku Huaxia, salah satu dari Tiga Maharaja.

Bersama dengan Nuwa dihormati sebagai leluhur dari manusia, dan dalam legenda diceritakan sama dengan Nuwa, bagian bawah badannya berbentuk ular. Dalam legenda menceritakan bahwa Fuxi mengajari orang membuat jala, menangkap ikan dan berternak, menciptakan Delapan Trigram atau Bagua dan sebagainya. Taihao Fuxi menetapkan ibu kota di Wanqiu, sekarang Daerah Huaiyang, Provinsi Henan.

Menurut legenda, Fuxi duduk di atas altar persegi empat, mendengar suara dari delapan angin, mengambarkan Delapan Trigram/Bagua. Bagua berkembang menjadi Yijing, yang merupakan asal mula kultur dan budaya suku Huaxia. Melalui media tertentu (seperti dari kulit kura-kura) untuk meminta petunjuk dari dewa, Qiuqian dan Zhibei sebenarnya adalah versi penyederhanaan dari Yijing.

Versi Inggris

Fuxi (/fu˧˥ɕi˥/; Chinese: 伏羲) or Fu Xi, also romanized as Fu-hsi, is a culture hero in Chinese legend and mythology, credited (along with his sister Nü Wa) with creating humanity and the invention of hunting, fishing and cooking as well as the Cangjie system of writing Chinese characters c. 12,000 BCE. He was also known as Paoxi (t 庖犧, s 庖牺), also romanized as Pao-hsi. Fu Xi was counted as the first of the Three Sovereigns at the beginning of the Chinese dynastic period.


Pangu was said to be the creation god in Chinese mythology. He was a giant sleeping in an egg of chaos. As he awoke, he stood up and divided the sky and the earth. Pangu then died after standing up, and his body turned into rivers, mountains, plants, animals, and everything else in the world, among which is a powerful being known as Hua Hsu. Hua Hsu gave birth to a twin brother and sister, Fu Xi and Nü Wa. Fu Xi and Nü Wa are said to be creatures that have faces of human and bodies of snakes.[citation needed]

Fu Xi was known as the "original human" (although technically speaking he was not a human) and he was also said to be was born on the lower-middle reaches of the Yellow River in a place called Chengji (possibly modern Lantian, Shaanxi province or Tianshui, Gansu province).[1]

In reality, many Chinese people believe[citation needed]that Hua Hsu was a leader during the matriarchal society (ca. 2,600 BCE) as early Chinese developed language skill while Fu Xi and Nü Wa were leaders in the early patriarchal society (ca. 2,600 BCE) while Chinese began the marriage rituals.

Creation legend

According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Fu Xi and Nü Wa were the original human who live on the mythological Kunlun Mountain (today's Huashan). One day they set up two separated piles of fire, and the fire eventually became one. Under the fire they decided to become husband and wife. Fu Xi and Nü Wa used clay to create offsprings, and with the divine power they made the clay figures come alive.[1] These clay figures were the earliest human beings. Fu Xi and Nü Wa were usually recognized by Chinese as two of the Three Emperors in the early patriarchal society in China (ca. 2,600 BCE.), based on the myth about Fu Xi establishing marriage ritual in his tribe. The creation of human beings was a symbolic story of having a larger family structure that included the figure of a father.

Social importance

On one of the columns of the Fu Xi Temple in Gansu Province, the following couplet describes Fu Xi's importance: "Among the three primogenitors of Huaxia civilization, Fu Xi in Huaiyang Country ranks first."[1] During the time of his predecessor Nü Wa (who, according to some sources, was also his wife and/or sister), society was matriarchal.

In the beginning there was as yet no moral or social order. Men knew their mothers only, not their fathers. When hungry, they searched for food; when satisfied, they threw away the remnants. They devoured their food hide and hair, drank the blood, and clad themselves in skins and rushes. Then came Fu Xi and looked upward and contemplated the images in the heavens, and looked downward and contemplated the occurrences on earth. He united man and wife, regulated the five stages of change, and laid down the laws of humanity. He devised the eight trigrams, in order to gain mastery over the world.

— Ban Gu, Baihu tongyi

Fu Xi taught his subjects to cook, to fish with nets, and to hunt with weapons made of bone, wood, or bamboo. He instituted marriage and offered the first open-air sacrifices to heaven. A stone tablet, dated 160 CE, shows Fu Xi with Nü Wa.

Traditionally, Fu Xi is considered the originator of the I Ching (also known as the Yi Jing or Zhou Yi), which work is attributed to his reading of the He Map (or the Yellow River Map). According to this tradition, Fu Xi had the arrangement of the trigrams (八卦 bāgùa) of the I Ching revealed to him in the markings on the back of a mythical dragon horse (sometimes said to be a tortoise) that emerged from the Luo River. This arrangement precedes the compilation of the I Ching during the Zhou dynasty. This discovery is said to have been the origin of calligraphy. Fu Xi is also credited with the invention of the Guqin musical instrument, though credit for this is also given to Shennong and Yellow Emperor.

The Figurists viewed Fuxi as Enoch, the biblical patriarch. According to Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the fourth Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, all Chinese religions are derived from the teachings of Fu Xi.[3]


Fu Xi is said to have lived for 197 years altogether and died at a place called Chen (modern Huaiyang, Henan), where a monument to him can still be found and visited as a tourist attraction.

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Mengky Mangarek, salah satu IT preneur, penggemar kisah para Buddha, Bodhisattva serta penulis buku dan komik Zen, juga pernah mengisi di beberapa radio talk, seminar dan penulis / admin dibeberapa blog seperti Kisah Para Dewa dan Cetya Tathagata yang telah memiliki lebih dari 20,000 pembaca setia.

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Jacky Raharja adalah seorang entrepreneur kelahiran 10 February 1982 dan berdomisili di Jakarta. Mengawali karier profesional sebagai seorang Marketer pada sebuah Top Multinational Company yang bergerak di bidang FMCG pada tahun 2007. Mempunyai passion yang sangat tinggi dalam hal brand management & strategic dan meninggalkan dunia profesional pada tahun 2013 sebagai Brand Manager demi mengejar passion lainnya yaitu menjadi seorang Entrepreneur yang mempunyai jaringan bisnis sendiri. Bergabung dengan Cetya Tathagata Jakarta sebagai bagian dari committee sejak tahun 2005 dan sebagai salah satu kontributor atas artikel-artikel pada social media Cetya Tathagata Jakarta.

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