Legend of 5 Heavenly General or 5 Heavenly Marshal


Wu Ying Shen Jiang (五營神將) aka Wu Ying Yuan Shuai (五營元帥) or Wu Fang Jiang Shuai (五方將帥), meaning the Five Directional Camp Generals or Marshals.Usually this group of Marshals will only appeared in Folks Culture Contexts or Folks Deities System (民間信仰/民間神明文化), whereas in Main-Stream Taoism (正統道教), we have other groups of Marshals or Generals who are appointed as the Protectors for an Area or Ritual/Ceremony areas.So who are they (五營為何人)? For Five Directional Camp Generals or Marshals, there are a few groups being recorded, here's some brief introduction on them:
1 - From Feng Shen Bang (Creation of Deities) 由封神榜演變而來East: Lei Zhen Zi (東營雷震子)South: Nan Gong Shi or Nan Gong Que (南營南宮適/南宮闕)West: Yang Jian (西營楊戩)North: Wu Ji (北營武吉) Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)
East: Lei Zhen Zi (東營雷震子)South: Huang Fei Hu (南營黃飛虎)West: Yang Jian (西營楊戩)North: Chong Hei Hu (北營崇黑虎)Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)
2 – From the Record of 36 Generals 由三十六將演變而來East to North: Zhang, Xiao, Lian, Liu (東至北營:張/蕭/連/劉)Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)
3 – From Buddhist Context 由佛教護法演變而來East to North: The Four Heavenly King aka Si Da Jin Gang(東至北營:魔禮青/紅/海/壽 - 俗稱四大金剛)Central: Pagoda King Li Jing (中央托塔天王李靖)Besides these few groups, there are some other groups, but after going thru the details, I found that, they are not suitable for releasing or putting-up, so please forgive me for that.Here are some introductions on Rituals/Ceremonies that involved in the Marshals/Armies (與五營兵將相關法事):
1 – Diao Bing Qian Jiang (調兵遣將), this is a procedure that ALL groups that needed to perform before any Events commence
2 – Fa Bing Dian Jiang (發兵點將), this is a procedure to summon, gather and appoint tasks to the Marshals and their respective subordinates
3 – Jie Jie Ding Fang (結界定方), this is a procedure to set the Territory for the Marshals and Armies to stand guard, etc (mend for External and Internal Camps 外內界營相同)
4 – Gao Shang Jun Ma (犒賞軍馬), this is a procedure to reward the Marshals and Armies after a certain Ritual/Ceremony ended
5 – Dian Jiang Shou Ying (點將收營), this procedure only occurred at the end of the whole Ritual/Ceremony, this is to send back all the Marshals and their Armies to their respective posts (各營皆回各自崗位).

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Mengky Mangarek, salah satu IT preneur, penggemar kisah para Buddha, Bodhisattva serta penulis buku dan komik Zen, juga pernah mengisi di beberapa radio talk, seminar dan penulis / admin dibeberapa blog seperti Kisah Para Dewa dan Cetya Tathagata yang telah memiliki lebih dari 20,000 pembaca setia.

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Jacky Raharja adalah seorang entrepreneur kelahiran 10 February 1982 dan berdomisili di Jakarta. Mengawali karier profesional sebagai seorang Marketer pada sebuah Top Multinational Company yang bergerak di bidang FMCG pada tahun 2007. Mempunyai passion yang sangat tinggi dalam hal brand management & strategic dan meninggalkan dunia profesional pada tahun 2013 sebagai Brand Manager demi mengejar passion lainnya yaitu menjadi seorang Entrepreneur yang mempunyai jaringan bisnis sendiri. Bergabung dengan Cetya Tathagata Jakarta sebagai bagian dari committee sejak tahun 2005 dan sebagai salah satu kontributor atas artikel-artikel pada social media Cetya Tathagata Jakarta.

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